
Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2024

1. Introduction

A & A Party Rentals, LLC (“we”, “our”, “us”) is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you visit our website [insert website URL], including any other media form, media channel, mobile website, or mobile application related or connected thereto (collectively, the “Site”). Please read this privacy policy carefully. If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please do not access the site.

2. Information We Collect

We may collect personal information about you in various ways, including:

  • Information you provide: We may collect personal information that you voluntarily provide to us when you communicate with us or interact with the Site.
  • Automatically collected information: When you visit our website, we may automatically collect certain information such as your IP address, browser type, referring/exit pages, and operating system.
  • Cookies and tracking technologies: We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on our Site and hold certain information.

3. How We Use Your Information

We may use the information we collect in the following ways:

  • To operate, maintain, and improve our Site;
  • To respond to your inquiries, comments, and requests;
  • To send you promotional materials, newsletters, and other communications;
  • To comply with legal obligations.

4. Disclosure of Your Information

We may share your information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this privacy policy. Your information may be disclosed as follows:

  • Third-party service providers: We may share your information with third-party vendors, consultants, and other service providers who need access to such information to carry out work on our behalf.
  • Business transfers: We may share or transfer your information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business.

5. Security of Your Information

We use administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help protect your personal information. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is completely secure, so we cannot guarantee absolute security.

6. Your Choices

You may opt out of receiving promotional communications from us by following the instructions in those communications. Please note that even if you opt out, we may still send you non-promotional communications, such as those about your account or our ongoing business relations.

7. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to reflect changes to our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.